
There is currently a test in the game for small level players. Some unlock levels may vary.
On this website are written official dates.

The website with the items also works!

If You need information about items in The Wolf game as well, the website is already up and can also provide some information!

On this website you will find the minimum values.

-click on the link below-


You can also find information about the items here on the website.

For each skill there are listed the items and their maximum value that can be obtained.

The skills charts site has come in handy when I made charts and people started to ask for them. 
At first I thought it would be enough to spread it out to the people. But it wasn't so it's here. 

For page orientation

Skills are divided in skills subsections to main four sections - basic, auras, special, totems. Behind this, each skill has its own subsection sorted by unlock level. By click to button with name of skill you will find chart, information about unlock level, short video by me showing skill in the game, which skills are affected through synergies and which items works with skill.

The "How to" section shows how to work with the whole website.
Information on how synergies and elements work are written separately.
You can also learn how I display information on the website
and which statistics affect which skill stats.

Total cost for skills is just an illustrative chart for all skills prices.

At the top right of the website are links to Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Discord.
Youtube: Standa2706 Ulfhednar (my youtube channel
Instagram: ulfhe_wolf (my instagram profile)
Facebook: The Wolf Simulator � GLOBAL
Discord: The Wolf - Official Community Discord
Discord: Project Ulfhe - My own Community Discord Server (New 2024)

The Wolf - Skills Charts
Všechna práva vyhrazena 2021
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